organisms: it devastates environmental impact on ecological balance, damaging society
structure and it leads to financial loss.
Firstly, ecological balance is damaged by illegal logging.
A. Clearing forest
B. Clearing habitats of plants and animal species
-Threat for orangutans
C. Climate
- Speeding up climate change (D. Brack, 2007)
Secondly, illegal logging results in problem among people and could be illegal source.
A. Social conflict
1. Violence
2. Crime
3. Human rights
B. Funding for illegality
1. Assisting to other crimes
2. Wars, money laundering and other organized crimes (Greenpeace, 2009)
Finally, illegal logging leads to critical financial loss in timber producing government
A. Lost revenue from timber trade
1. Unpaid taxes and charges
2. US$10-15 billion loss revenue (Greenpeace, 2009)
B. Distorted global markets
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