Özellikle üniversitelerde proficiency,muafiyet,hazırlık atlama gibi sınavlar toplumsal ve gündemdeki konularla ilgili essayler yazmanız istenir.Bu gibi konulardan biride her daim gündem de olan kadınlarla ilgili essaylerdir.ITU hazırlık sınıfımda yazdığım essaylerden biri olan "The Working Women in The Society" yani "Toplumda Çalışan Kadın" essayini sizlerle paylaşıyorum.Essay genel olarak kadının toplumsal hayatındaki konumunun yıllar içinde nasıl değiştiğinden bahsediyor.
ingilizce essay örnekleri etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
ingilizce essay örnekleri etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Descriptive essay örneği:The Two Best Job Searching Methods
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1 Yorum
The Two Best Job Searching Methods
There is no doubt that people who want to have a good life dream of a good job.
Although it may seem us easy to find a job, people have to struggle so much for having a good job
because of great competition about accept top position even average positions. There are various
ways to find a job such as internet, direct application, newspapers, using connections or friends,
networking. In my opinion internet and networking are the two most of effective ways a finding a
Essay Örneği:The Advantages Of Genetically Modified Foods
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Yorum Yok
The Advantages Of Genetically Modified Foods
Genetically modified foods have some advantages of consuming and producing. First
advantage is quality of these foods .WHO states that, after creating of GM foods having a
long shelf life and high nutritional value, they are sold with a low wage on the market. Plant
diseases caused by insect or viruses are aimed to be lessened by genetically modified crops
which are on the market nowadays.(n.d).Second advantage is assisting to cultivation sector.
Paul Valery states that, to improve the sustaining of cultivation potentially, and to help
provide universal food assurance, genetic modification of crops is a reliable technology. To
sum up, number of people who consume GM foods is increasing, GM food assist to our life I
some ways.(2009).