Cause and Effect Essay:The negative effects of media on children and teenagers
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Bu tarz konular yani medya olsun, çocuklarla ,ailelerle ilgili konular olsun,proficiency ,hazırlık atlama,muafiyet vb sınavlarda konu olarak essay yazmanız çok sık verilir.O yüzden paylaştığımız essay leri güzel bir şekilde inceleyip neyin nasıl kullanıldığını öğrenirseniz sınavda da rahat edersiniz.
Cause-Effect Essay Örneği,Planı
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Cause-Effect Essay Örneği:Disappearing Forests
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Essay Örneği:The Advantages Of Genetically Modified Foods
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Genetically modified foods have some advantages of consuming and producing. First
advantage is quality of these foods .WHO states that, after creating of GM foods having a
long shelf life and high nutritional value, they are sold with a low wage on the market. Plant
diseases caused by insect or viruses are aimed to be lessened by genetically modified crops
which are on the market nowadays.(n.d).Second advantage is assisting to cultivation sector.
Paul Valery states that, to improve the sustaining of cultivation potentially, and to help
provide universal food assurance, genetic modification of crops is a reliable technology. To
sum up, number of people who consume GM foods is increasing, GM food assist to our life I
some ways.(2009).